Mar 28, 2009

Windows 7 RC in May


I think by now everyone has heard of Windows 7. If not then there will be a big buzz again at the end of May when Windows 7 RC is released. The RC will run till 2010 June 1st, yes, that’s a full one year and there is no limitation in download time either so take your time downloading and testing Windows 7.

Currently I’m running Windows 7 Build 7057 and it runs smoothly. I would like to see what changes are made in RC.

Download Link will be available on:-

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Mar 26, 2009

Am I the only one who’s getting Vimax Ads?

I don’t know if my PC is infected with some kind of adware or these guys have huge money to advertise on such scale. But quite frankly I find it very irritating. I don’t mind ads but to see the same ads with girl’s eyes and mouth wide open is just irritating. Previously it was Google Ads now this!! Honestly I would rather have Google Ads than this!!

Here are some places these ads are popping:-


If you are firefox user then block the ads with the following addons:-

No more ads!!

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Mar 20, 2009

Undo sent mail in Gmail


I have to say this is the feature I’ve always dreamt in past cause I have a bad habit of the clicking the send button as soon as I reach the end of the mail. And only then after I click the send button do I realize that revision is part of sending good mails. And I think all of us know mail with typos and stupid grammar mistakes.

Now with Undo Send feature enabled I can just hit undo link if I know I forgot to revise that important mail.

Thanks Google!!! for noticing my bad habit.


By the way you have only 5 seconds to click that undo button. So, think fast!!!

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Mar 19, 2009

iPhone OS 3.0 :Yes, there is copy and paste finally!!

It’s the update that should have been in when the iPhone 3G was orginally released. After lot of people complaining about the lack of copy and paste feature, MMS and more. This update includes the highly waited copy and paste feature, MMS, multiple photo sharing, voice recording and more. For more details about the OS 3.0 check the video below:-

Source : [Engadget]

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Mar 18, 2009

Firefox 3.1 and Fennec betas

Firefox_Fennec_logo_01 firefox1

When it comes to browser then Mozilla means business. This week releasing two of their popular browser, Fennec 1 (Firefox for Mobile) and Firefox 3.1 beta 3 was released for the world to experience web both in mobile and desktop.

I don’t think it’s necessary to show the review of Firefox, since everyone knows how it works and what it is by now. But do expect improved Javascript, private browsing and yes, more bug fixes.

Try the Firefox 3.1


Meanwhile, here’s the review of the new browser for mobile devices.

If you want to try it out yourself in your desktop then visit


Source:- [Madhava Enros]

Mar 13, 2009

Windows 7 Build (7057) hits Bittorrent


Looks like Windows 7 is rolling up numerous amount of updates for the users to check all the bugs and glitches. This build though is not official but found wild on the bittorrent.

Download Link :- From Mininova (X86) or 32 bit

Download Link:- From Mininova (X64) or 64 bit

Source:- [632w]

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Mar 10, 2009

Proving that SSD is fastest with 24 SSD all in 1 PC

Here’s something amazing yet, totally time consuming process but to prove the world and impress some friends some guys will do anything.

Here’s the video proving that SSD is awesome!!

It’s not advertisement whatsoever.


Three Cheers goes to Paul!!! Bravo!!

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It’s about Time!!


What happened to this blog for past 2,3 weeks?? Let’s say my college came between me and my favorite past time. Anyways now that spring break is on and I am starting gain some free time. The blog will be updated for some weeks. Let’s hope it does!!